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Los Republicanos Nuevamente Bloquean TPS para Venezuela

WASHINGTON - El senador Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Miembro de Más Alto Rango del Comité de Relaciones Exteriores del Senado, esta tarde hizo una moción en el Senado para aprobar de inmediato un proyecto de ley designando a Venezuela para un Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS, por sus siglas en ingles). Por quinta vez en los últimos 18 meses, los republicanos del Senado bloquearon la Ley TPS de Venezuela de 2019, negándose a afirmar el apoyo del gobierno de Estados Unidos a los venezolanos y permitiendo que la administración Trump continúe deportándolos a la fuerza al régimen de Maduro.

El proyecto, el cual fue aprobado por abrumadora mayoría por la Cámara de Representantes el año pasado, extendería protecciones temporales a aproximadamente 200,000 venezolanos que actualmente residen en los Estados Unidos que viven con el temor de ser detenidos y regresados a Venezuela. 

“Nicolás Maduro es un dictador, sencilla y claramente.. Su régimen es una manada criminal y cruel que ha destruido a Venezuela. Unos 200.000 venezolanos viven actualmente en Estados Unidos sin estatus legal. No pueden regresar de manera segura a su tierra natal y necesitan recvibir un Estatus de Protección Temporal. Creo que es hora de hacer lo correcto, debemos defender los valores estadounidenses y ofrecerles  esta protección,".dijo el senador Menéndez.

A principios de este mes, las Naciones Unidas publicó un informe el cual concluyó que el uso de ejecuciones extrajudiciales y torturas por Maduro equivale a crímenes de lesa humanidad. Esta determinación subraya aún más la necesidad de ofrecerle protección a las víctimas del régimen de Maduro al otorgarles un Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS) a quienes tuvieron que huir de la crisis política, económica y humanitaria en su país. Después de ser bloqueado, Menéndez se comprometió a seguir haciendo la moción en el Pleno hasta que a los republicanos del Senado se les acabe la vergüenza de obstruir protecciones para los venezolanos de las fuerzas de deportación de Trump.

A continuación, el discurso del Senador Menendez en su totalidad:  

“Mr. President, I want to be clear that my opposition to moving this resolution by UC today is not, by any means, because I disagree with the assessment of China’s abhorrent human rights record — or the importance of the Olympics living up to the highest standards in upholding human dignity. The Olympic charter states that the goal of Olympism is to promote ‘a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity.’ Beijing has not – by a long shot - earned the honor of hosting the 2022 Games.

My record is crystal clear when it comes to calling out and condemning China’s horrific record on human rights and the threats it poses to the United States and the rest of the international community. 

As my colleagues know, during my years in Congress I have introduced, advocated for, and helped pass legislation on behalf of the people of Xinjiang, Tibet, Chinese civil society dissidents, a democratic and autonomous Hong Kong, supporting democracy across the Indo Pacific region. Just recently I introduced a comprehensive bill to strengthen the United States across various sectors to best confront and counter China’s efforts. I also recently released a report about the necessity of standing up against China’s dangerous new digital authoritarianism.

There is no question that under Xi Jinping, China has taken a ‘great leap backwards’ on human rights, establishing concentration camps in Xinjiang, instituting a surveillance state that not even George Orwell could have imagined, and crushing any thought and ideas that deviate from the dictates of the Party. China’s rise bringing hundreds of millions out of poverty during the last century is something that the Chinese people can be justly proud of; but Xi Jinping’s dystopian totalitarian vision currently crushing the Chinese people is one of this centuries great tragedies. 

So I am very sympathetic to the goals of this resolution and the sponsors of this legislation. 

However, I believe these issues merit serious discussion and drafting of the appropriate language before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. I have been urging Chairman Risch to hold a legislative mark-up for months to discuss the many pressing pieces of legislation members on both sides of the aisle have had pending for many months. 

So I would in response to the Gentleman’s request, say there is a human rights crisis much closer to home that we have discussed before the committee. We have an opportunity to address people suffering from a dictatorship who are right here in the United States, many of whom live in Senator Scott’s state of Florida.

For the second time in two weeks, I would like to call upon this body to take up legislation that the House has passed that would designate Venezuela for Temporary Protected Status (TPS). I am asking Republicans to remember that there was a time before President Trump when our nation stood in solidarity with the victims of dictatorship. 

Nicolás Maduro is a dictator—plain and simple. His regime is a cruel criminal cabal that has destroyed Venezuela.

Some 200,000 Venezuelans currently live in the United States without legal status. They are unable to safely return to their homeland and would benefit from Temporary Protected Status. I believe we have to do the right thing, we must uphold American values and offer them protection. 

So Mr. President as if in legislative session I ask unanimous consent that the Judiciary Committee be discharged from further consideration of HR 549 and the Senate proceed to its immediate consideration. Further, that the bill be considered read a third time and passed and the motion to consider be considered made and laid upon the table with no intervening action or debate.”
