S. 345, the Tropical Forest and Coral Conservation Reauthorization Act of 2009
S. 954. A bill to authorize United States participation in the replenishment of resources of the International Development Association, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Foreign Relations.
S. 955. A bill to authorize United States participation in, and appropriations for the United States contribution to, the African Development Fund and the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative, to require budgetary disclosures by multilateral development banks, to encourage multilateral development banks to endorse the principles of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Foreign Relations.
S. 838, a bill to provide for the appointment of United States Science Envoys
S. Res. 49, a resolution to express the sense of the Senate regarding the importance of public diplomacy
S. Res. 84, A resolution urging the Government of Canada to end the commercial seal hunt
S. Con. Res. 19, a concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that the Shi'ite Personal Status Law in Afghanistan violates the fundamental human rights of women and should be repealed, as amended
Foreign Service Officer Promotion List dated April 2, 2009 (Gregory D. Loose, of Virginia, et al.)
Foreign Service Officer Promotion List dated April 2, 2009 (Laszlo F. Sagi, of Virginia, et al.)
Foreign Service Officer Promotion List dated April 2, 2009 (John M. Kowalski, of Wisconsin, et al.)
1. The Honorable Johnnie Carson
2. The Honorable Harold H. Koh
3. Ivo Daalder
4. Susan Burk
5. Luis C. de Baca